March 29, 2025

Trumbull High School
72 Strobel Road
Trumbull, CT 06611

Retreat Information:

After the CT Tigers perform, Captains of ensembles performing before intermission should line up in the Aux gym (equipment warm-up) and Captains of ensembles performing after intermission should line up in the Senior Lounge (body warm-up). After Captains are lined up, the remaining performers should head to their respective staging areas and line up behind their Captains in a single file. Once retreat begins, each ensemble will be announced and line up single file in the Performance Gym.

Announcements will be made at the event to keep everyone aware and organized.

Current Guard Entries:

Tentative Performance Schedule:

Tentative Logistics Schedule:


Critique is not available at this event.


Guard Judges:

Equipment: TBD

Movement: TBD

Design Analysis: TBD

General Effect: TBD

General Effect: TBD


Prices for MAC events are set by member directors.

Adults are $17.00 and Children under 10 are $10.00 for all championship competitions.

Please note: this is a cash only event.