Performance Order Processes

Performance Order: Regular Season Process

The regular season schedule is drawn randomly prior to each scheduled event. Units who sign in after the published schedule perform first in their class. Ensembles who were originally scheduled to attend a show which gets cancelled due to inclement weather will still receive their participation points.

Exhibitions welcome at all shows.

Performance Order: Championships Seeding Process

MAC has a system of attendance rewards for order of performance at championships. The formula is simple, an ensemble is awarded a certain number of points per show it attends. That point total is added to the average of the ensemble’s three highest scores throughout the season. Highest score goes last, next highest score goes 2nd to last, etc. Prior year class champions go on last in their class (if they are competing in the same class this year for which they are the previous champion). Seeding is not intended to be a real-time ranking system, but rather a method to reward regular participating ensembles for their dedication to MAC.

Example: Ensemble 1: 18 participation pts. + 70.652 avg. score = 88.652 total seeding points Ensemble 2: 6 participation pts. + 81.750 avg. score = 87.750 total seeding points


Points Matrix Winter 2025

Show Date & Host: (Points Awarded Guard / Percussion)

February 1st: Masuk HS (Guard only 7)
February 8th: Westhill HS (Guard only 6)
February 22nd: Naugatuck HS (Guard 5 & Perc 6)
March 1st: New Milford HS (Guard 4 & Perc 5)
March 8th: Newtown HS (Guard 3 & Perc 4)
March 15th: Shelton HS (Guard 2 & Perc 3)
March 22nd: Bunnell HS (Guard 1 & Perc 2)
March 29th: Shelton HS Percussion only show (Perc only 1)
March 29th: Guard Championships @ Trumbull HS (Guard only)
April 5th: Perc Championships @ Westhill HS (Perc only)

Performance Order - Late Withdrawal

Ensembles who withdraw from a show less than one week prior to their scheduled performance will have a one-slot reduction from their final championships seeding slot (including a previous year class champions) for each occurrence. Exceptions only include weather-related district cancellations or documented school district restrictions on travel.

Our Mission

Reward units for regular attendance, and consistent performances, by premium placement at championships. 

Nailed it....Again